Surviving Covid

Right before Thanksgiving, covid came to visit.  After 2 years of full time travel and working in hotspots without a single issue, we get it while both working from home.  About 5 days after exposure you get slight fever, body aches, head aches, light cough, and loss of taste/smell.  Tomoko got it first and after a few days went to CVS for a test and it came back positive. I knew it was a matter of time before I would get it.  The first week wasn’t too bad, just take it easy and sleep a lot.  Unlike a common cold, it keeps going strong for a second week.  You think you are getting better but then your fever spikes. You think you are getting better but then your cough gets much worse.  Once it gets in your lungs, then you need to get antibiotics. Tomoko had to go to the clinic and get Rx for zithromax, medrol, and codeine cough syrup.  That made a huge difference.  It can take a month for your smell and taste to return.  We both still have a lingering cough a month after.

I had the advantage of seeing this coming so I was able to hit the pony paste and HCQ a lot sooner and had a much milder time.   I did stop taking these meds after a week and that is when my fever spiked.   So keep taking your IVM, D, C, Zinc, aspirin for a full 2 weeks.    I should have also used the neti-pot to flush the sinuses  (use some iodine or peroxide) to knock the viral load down.  Also get some azithromycin to have on hand.  You want all these things readily available BEFORE you get sick.  You need to have a plan for home treatment.

The good news is we both have good natural immunity now which is orders of magnitude better than the gene therapy being pushed.