
The backyard is one big reason I chose this house to buy.  It has a privacy wall made of firebrick, a workshop made of field stone, and a fireplace.  I thought I could do something cool with this space.  It is a work in process and we will be upgrading and changing this space constantly.

Before moving in
Another angle. That old workbench is now in the garage.
Once the tree stumps were pulled out and a french drain installed in front of the door, I made a 10×10 platform deck. 10 feet is as long of boards I can fit in my Honda.
They dont sell deck wood out west for a good reason. The sun has completely split and shrunk all the 2x6s. It looked good for a few weeks when it was new. I will have to replace this someday with pavers or fake wood.
We still dont have an oven in the kitchen so we have learned to cook most everything on the grill outside.
Here are all the plants, the sunshade, and the buffalo head