I built three MagicMirror variations about 5 years ago and they have been running non stop without issue until last week. #2 stopped getting data and when I manually ran updates the whole thing ‘shit the bed’ as we say. I had a backup file and that did not work either so I figured I would just start over from scratch. I had an extra Gen4 Raspberry Pi laying around just like the one running this web site. I put in the newest OS, the newest MM software, rewrote some scripts and after a day of tweeking the config file, it is running again. All text is in white but the monitor is behind stained glass to give it the color.
Top Left
- Analog Clock
- Planet Rise
Top Right
- Current Weather
- Weather Forcast
- National Radar Map
- Cryptocurrency (BTC was under 2000 when I build the first one)
- EARTH (DSCOVR sattelite 1 million miles out sends a picture every hour)
- NewsFeed – revolver.news