Family Photos

It has been a while since all of us have been together in the same room.  Not by choice but we have always lived far apart from each other. Everyone is happy and healthy after all these years.

Half Century later photo: The old picture was taken in the early 70s. Here we are a few years later.
3 kids in front of the London Bridge in Havasu
2 sisters with Mom
All the ladies
The whole crew at Shugrue’s in front of the bridge
The gang in front of the waterfall in the rain

Mom turns 80

Somebody turned 80 last week.  All the siblings met for the day and had a fancy dinner and cake afterwards.  It was raining hard and the roof was leaking inside.

Balloons: Helium only lasted 24hrs
That is a Tuxedo cake from Albertsons. It’s like a giant eclair
Shugrue’s surprised her with a free cheesecake
Champagne was poured