Way over by Grand Canyon West is a small town Mead View. I don’t think anyone in town actually has a view of Lake Mead but it is where the Grand Canyon opens up into the lake. Nice Joshua Tree forest on the way there.

Good day to take Precious out to the Dam. She’s a 2008 HD Sportster 1200. Race tuned, V&H pipes, bobbed, wrapped pipes, custom paint, raised bars, new seat. She is loud and will catch you on fire if you are too close to the exhaust. Owner #1 named her and did most of the work. I did the seat, suspension, air intake. I also had to replace the primary chain / clutch assembly a few years ago when chain tensioner broke into a thousand pieces.
Biked out to Black Mountain in Henderson to check out the new trail they are cutting in the hillside. Turns out there are large earth moving Caterpillar trucks on that road and the laws of physics apply. (The larger object has the right of way). So I backtracked and found some trails behind the state college. I need to explore that area more along with some of the smaller trails off of the McCullough Hills Trail at Mission.
No sheep today. Just the usual carp, bass, ducks, seagulls, and tourists. We should be in peak desert flower season now but there are hardly any. 11 months of the year all the plants and bushes look dead but they come to life in the spring to flower. I think the dryness last year got to them all. Even the prickly pear cactus are shriveled up. Last year at this time we had pictures of the entire desert covered with white, yellow, lavender, red, and purple. Maybe next year.
I am a big fan of bibimbap ever since i tried it in San Francisco at Surisan (along with their Millionaire’s bacon but that is another story). There are a number of quick serve ‘build your own’ bibimbap places around the country now. What caught my eye here is they have the option of putting it in a stone bowl. They heat the bowl up to the temperature of magma and all your items caramelize in the bowl. Never saw rice cake carbonara on a menu before and I would definitely get it again.
Nice calm morning to bike to lake. Not too hot in the morning yet. Ducks and fish like the attention. Saltine crackers are cheaper, more space effective, and you can fling them farther into the water than popcorn. Desert flowers are not quite yet in bloom – maybe 2%. Last year at this time it was full. Maybe next weekend.
The old Evan’s has reopened as the Dam Bistro in town. Remodel looks good. The eggplant caprese salad itself is worth the trip. They use pesto in lieu of basil leaves and use crispy breaded eggplant. Pork Chop with Apples, Sage, Sprouts, on pureed squash was also very good. Not dry at all. Linguini and clams had a good sauce. Give it a try if you are in town.