
Link to Tomoko’s shutterfly album

We drove to Yellowstone last week.  NV>AZ>UT>ID>MT>WY and back for over 2000 miles.  We rented a Mazda from National and stayed at a Best Western at the West Entrance.

I knew about Old Faithful that blows every hour or so but I did not know that there are hundreds of other geysers, vents, and springs.  It is a huge park and we only saw a small part of it.  You could spend weeks here. Some springs are constantly boiling and venting.  Some geysers go off regularly throughout the day.  Some are unpredictable and go off every 100 years.  Some smell like steam and others reak of sulfer.  Yellowstone gets swarms of small earthquakes causing some to speculate that the magma below could erupt at any time.

We saw buffalo, a small black bear, elk, and deer.  We did not see any moose or wolves.  I expected to see more rabbits and rodents than we did – maybe the wolves are to blame.

It was nice to see S and T up in Bozeman.  Thanks to K and A for watching Miss Lulu.

Below are photo albums broken into categories hosted at Shutterfly (click on picture to open in new tab (if on phone you may have to hold down on picture, select open in new tab/private tab)).


Geysers, Hot Springs, Steam Vents
Water and Land
People and Food