
Tomoko’s mother Keiko made me a hand made card the other day.  It is a traditional samurai helmet.  This is made from very small pieces of paper glued together.  I don’t have the finger dexterity to do this fine of detail.  Very impressive.  Thanks so much!

Samurai Helmet artwork


Oatman is a small cowboy town in AZ that is off the grid on the old Hwy 66.  They have electricity but no cell phone or running water.  It is named for a young gal who was taken and face tattooed by the local Mohave indians.  Back when times were really tough.  Lots of burros wander the town.  We used to bring carrots for the animals but they say eating too many carrots cause digestive issues so they prefer you feed them alfalfa balls instead.

A local group of riders ventured out that way this morning before the heat hit.  We stopped at the annual ‘remodel after a fire’ at Rosies Cafe.  They did a good job.  I think Terribles sank some cash into this place so riders would fill up next door.  Smart.

Riding in 100 heat is no fun.  The bikes give off a lot of heat by themselves.  The sun and the pavement makes riding like sitting in front of a hair dryer in a sauna.  Really nice ride in morning.  I was impressed by everyone’s bikes.  4 customized HDs and a new Indian.  I took the honda as it has a 7 gal tank.  220 miles round trip.

Rosie’s Saloon
Lucky burro who got a few carrots before a local told me to trade for alfalfa.
Happy burro
Can we take this one home?