La Mojarra Loca Grill

La Mojarra Loca Grill is one of the hardest places to get into.  We have tried before at 3 in the afternoon and told it is a 2 hour wait.  This is a good sign.  Most Mexican restaurants in the US have the same menu – this place is different.  It has a menu as thick as Cheesecake Factory with page after page of very colorful offerings.  The place is loud and ruckus.  Big groups singing loudly and having a good time.  We had to try the deep fried fish (served head on) and also the volcano bowls.  The tortillas are hand made and fresh off the grill.  Both corn and flour are worth the trip by itself.

It is worth the wait.  There is an office depot next door so you can do your shopping while you wait.

Mojarra Loca: They named the restaurant after this dish. Shrimp and peppers
Molcajete is a very hot volcanic stone filled with sauce and a variety of options. Most intense salsa I have ever had.