Mulberry Trees

It is Mulberry season again.  Lots of flonase and zirtec required.  The trees are nice but put out a lot of pollen each year.  I dont think they let you plant these in town anymore.

Mulberry tree in bloom
The ground is covered with these
Kitty doesn’t seem to mind


Sun Shade

So the new front patio is awesome but we still get too much sun in the afternoon.  I was looking at cloth sails or retractable shades but I did not want something flapping around in the wind making lots of noise.

I went to Highland Steel downtown LV and bought 80ft of angle iron.  I wanted extra laying around for other projects.  All the bamboo was sold out of Lowes/HD so I had to order a roll on line.  I figure bamboo will let the wind through and block most of the sun.

After cutting and brushing the metal I drilled holes every 5cm for the zip ties
It is always a good day when I get to use the welder. Thanks Charlie.
Added some rustoleum, concrete into the ground, and mounts to the facia boards.  Security camera will need to find a new home.
OSHA inspector making sure the shovel is in good shape and the holes are deep enough


Another ride to the lake

Another good day for a bike ride.  Mid 70s and slight overcast to keep the sun at bay.  Some of the flowers are back this year.  Some of the cactus are still alive.  Last spring hardly had any flowers as there was not a lot of rain the previous year.  This last year was much better but it will take a few years for new plants to get going again.

Creosotes are alive and in bloom
Some of the daisies are coming back – nothing like 2 years ago
Lots of hungry ducks and seagulls. Below is slo-mo of the chaos feeding.